To grow our patient service programs

raised towards $20,000 goal
Days Left
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As 2021 comes to an end, we would like to take a moment and thank you for your past kindness and generous support. Amidst the challenges of COVID, ALS RFL continues to make a difference in the lives of ALS patients and their families through our patient service programs.
One such program, "Mobility Matters," has made a profound impact. With your financial support, we are helping to provide wheelchair-accessible vans to ALS patients as their disease progresses. This program started with only one van, but we quickly realized the demand was great. Today, we have seven active vans placed with local ALS families. "Mobility Matters" is a one-of-a-kind program unique to Long Island and the NY Metropolitan area. Lending these specially equipped, accessible vans to ALS patients extends their ability to engage in health and quality-of-life activities for as long as possible. With an ALS diagnosis, families are suddenly confronted with additional caregiving expenses such as a personal aide, mobility accommodations like a wheelchair, or home remodeling to address their growing medical and psycho-social needs. This program alleviates this financial burden for many patients who otherwise could not afford a specialized vehicle, providing access to necessary medical and other compassionate care services. To date, our program has had a profound impact on 27 individuals and their families, enhancing their quality of life outside the home.
“I cannot put into words how much receiving a van from Ride For Life means to me and my family. I have been suffering with ALS for over 7 years. First, it took my shoulders, my arms, and then my hands. But when it started affecting my legs I needed a wheelchair, a van, and home modifications all at the same time. Receiving a van from the Ride relieved me and my family from the financial pressures of purchasing a van.”– Paul Weisman
Demand for our Care For Life Grant continues to grow faster than our ability to meet the growing need. Your help closes the gap. Currently, we have only enough funds to award 5 grants out of 20 applicants for each quarter of the year. We know Chris is looking down upon us, smiling that we ALL have continued the ALS fight and we remain hopeful we will soon live in a world without ALS. Until that day, thank you for helping us improve the lives of ALS patients and their families. We hope you will consider a year-end donation. Recurring gifts are an extra blessing and enable us to plan and budget more effectively.
“My care had drained me of my savings during my journey with ALS. Being awarded a grant from the Ride has allowed me to have a little extra care each week that I desperately needed. I am grateful for the Ride’s help. My burden has been lightened and my stress is less.” – Elaine L